
RAQ Consulting London is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal data obtained during the provision of our services. This Data Protection Policy outlines our practices concerning the collection, use, and protection of personal information.


This policy applies to all personal data processed by RAQ Consulting London in the course of our operations. It covers data collected from clients, employees, suppliers, and any other individuals with whom we interact.

Data Collection and Processing:

RAQ Consulting London collects and processes personal data only for legitimate business purposes. This may include client information, employee details, and supplier contact information. Data collected is relevant, adequate, and not excessive for the intended purpose.


RAQ Consulting London seeks explicit consent from individuals before collecting and processing their personal data. Consent forms will clearly specify the purpose of data processing, and individuals have the right to withdraw consent at any time.

Data Security:

We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. Access to personal data is restricted to employees who require it for legitimate business purposes.

Data Retention:

Personal data is retained only for the duration necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, unless otherwise required by law. We regularly review and update our data retention policies.

Data Subject Rights:

Individuals have the right to request access to, correction of, or deletion of their personal data. RAQ Consulting London will respond to such requests in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Data Transfer:

Personal data is not transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) unless adequate data protection safeguards are in place.

Data Breach Response:

RAQ Consulting London has established procedures for identifying, reporting, and responding to data breaches. In the event of a data breach, affected individuals and relevant authorities will be notified as required by law.

Employee Training:

 Employees handling personal data undergo training on data protection principles and their responsibilities under this policy.

Data Protection Officer (DPO):

RAQ Consulting London has appointed a Data Protection Officer responsible for ensuring compliance with data protection laws and regulations.

Privacy by Design:

We incorporate data protection considerations into our business processes and services from the outset to ensure privacy by design.

Policy Review:

This Data Protection Policy is subject to regular review and may be updated to reflect changes in applicable laws or our data processing activities.

Contact Information:

For any inquiries or concerns regarding data protection at RAQ Consulting London, please contact our Data Protection Officer through the provided contact information.

By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this Data Protection Policy.